

About admin

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So far admin has created 18 blog entries.

Our Patron


N.M.D. College, Gondia is a premiere institution in the district managed by the Gondia Education Society . Being an exclusive Arts, Commerce, Law and Management faculty college in the whole Gondia District, it has been instrumental in providing colleges like Pharmacy, Engineering, Management, Medical etc.  This is an era of education with new sophisticated approach. Even the traditional courses are being taught through modern equipments. N.M.D. College Gondia has renovated itself as per the needs of time to impart quality education. I wish that the students of Gondia district avail all the facilities provided by the college in attaining intellectual heights [...]

Our Patron2019-01-23T10:05:03+00:00

Right to Information Act, 2005


Compliance under section 4(1) (b) of the Right to Information Act, 2005CLICK TO SEE MRP SUBMITTED BY PROFESSORS

Right to Information Act, 20052019-01-29T06:26:04+00:00