Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) is the superlative body accommodating stakeholder representatives from all spheres of the institution. The cell is a compulsory set-up constituted as per the guidelines of National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) of UGC. The IQAC is a guide cum facilitator to point out and initiate critical areas of quality enhancement and sustenance.

The NAAC’s advocacy of establishment of IQAC by every accredited institution as a post-accreditation measure is the first step towards institutionalization and internalization.

Vision: To transform organizational and individual potential to create productive and responsible citizens.

Mission: To stimulate an academic environment for promotion of teaching- learning process and research. To channelize changes towards all round development of students through facilitation, community participation and sensitization to social and ethical issues.

IQAC Members 2017-2018


1. Chairperson

Hon’ble Dr. Sharda I. Mahajan
M. A., Ph. D., LLB
N. M. D. College, Gondia (Principal)

2. Administrative Officer:
Shri Mahboob Sheikh

a) Dr. Sharda Mahajan
b) Prof. Rakesh Khandelwal
c) Prof. Ambadas Bakre
d) Dr. Bhavesh Jasani
e) Dr. Khooshboo Hotchandani
f) Prof. Umesh Udapure
g) Prof.Yogarajsingh R Bais

One Member of Management / Management Representative
Shri. Rajendra Jain

One or two Nominees from Local Society: Students and Alumni
Ku. Shital S. Thaware
Shri. Dilip Jain – Alumni

 One or two Nominees from Employers/Industrialist/Stake holders:
Shri. Nikhil Jain
Dr. Munesh Thakre

Dr. Shafiulla Khan

Dr. Bhavesh Jasani